Duolingo’s competition is TikTok and Netflix – The Hustle

Singdhi Sokpo
Bill Gates and Khloé Kardashian probably don’t have a ton of common interests. But, per Bloomberg, Duolingo is one of them.
Launched in 2012, the gamified language app has transformed from a PhD project into a 500-person public company now on a mission to make profits.
The app, which views sites like TikTok and Netflix as its competition, now boasts ~15m daily users, up 51% YoY, and 3.7m paid subscribers. Barring any unexpected fiscal blowback over its highly controversial redesign, revenue this year is projected to surpass $365m, up 45% YoY.
Fun fact: Duolingo co-founder Luis von Ahn invented the web authentication tool CAPTCHA, which he gave to Yahoo for free, and reCAPTCHA, which he sold to Google.
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