Woman Documents Her Life on TikTok as a “Stay-at-Home Girlfriend” – Twisted Sifter

A woman named Kendel Kay shares videos on TikTok where she documents her life as a…wait for it…stay-at-home girlfriend.
Yes, apparently this is a real thing…and here’s a sample of what one of her days looks like…

Oh, you know that people had feelings about this woman’s life!
One Twitter user noticed that a screenshot from one of her videos shows the phrases “lack of fun/social life/excitement” and “unsatisfied with my looks” written in her journal.
Before I had knew it, a single tear had been shed after I saw a screenshot of what she journals about… https://t.co/UkSpU2CPMJ pic.twitter.com/YQF8ha5tOS
— Magnus Medic (@MagnusMedic) October 25, 2022

Another woman shared her own thoughts about this in a TikTok video.

And you know that someone had to make a parody video about being a stay-at-home girlfriend.
Day in the life of a stay at home girlfriend 💖 pic.twitter.com/CLmeUFiRIM
— Ryan Asher (@Reen_Machine) October 14, 2022

Here’s another video of a woman poking fun at this whole phenomenon.

I guess we can safely say that this kind of lifestyle probably isn’t for everyone…
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