No, Coloradans cannot legally marry their siblings – The Denver Post

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Colorado is home to many wonders. The Rocky Mountains. The Stanley Hotel. The Stanley Cup.
But not the right for siblings to be married.
A new viral TikTok is claiming that Coloradans can marry their siblings. Before some people start to celebrate, it’s false.
The TikTok, with more than 1.5 million views and 113,000 likes, claims that people can legally marry their siblings in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia and Hawaii. It also states that in Arizona siblings can get married to each other as long as both parties are over the age of 65. (Editor’s note: This is normally where we’d show the offending TikTok, but since it’s inaccurate, we won’t do that.)
All of that is false.
Colorado State law prohibits marriages between full and half-siblings. Same for the rest of the United States.
The uncredited TikTok account did not provide a source for its information, and the account is not validated.
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